Empty Bowl, an independent press founded in 1976 in the Pacific Northwest as a cooperative letterpress publisher, publishes literary anthologies, poetry, translations, essays, and occasionally fiction.

New releases from Empty Bowl

A review of our two most-recent books appears in the Anchorage Daily News.

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Discovering the story of the Grampus voyage in essays collected by marine biologist Jan Straley, poet and writer Jerry Martien draws its collaborative lessons into a field he calls biopoetics. From his home on the shores of Humboldt Bay, Martien sees the roots of his own generation’s journey and a chart for future voyagers.

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In Apprentice to the Wild, Kurt Hoelting charts his encounters with wildness and risk as a commercial fisherman and wilderness guide in Alaska, while mapping his exploration of the wild within as a Zen practitioner and mindfulness teacher. Inspired by the words and friendship of Gary Snyder, Hoelting founded Inside Passages, guiding mindfulness-based kayaking expeditions in Alaska focused on how the “practice of the wild” informs both our inner and outer landscapes. In later essays, he charts his path toward healing following the death of his two sons, while exploring what it means to become an elder in these uncertain times. 

Available January 22, 2025

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