Be Broken to Be Whole: New and Selected Poems

Tom Crawford


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“Tom Crawford is a poet who has labored long in the vineyard, yet remained somehow a well-kept secret within American poetry. Thankfully, his gifts of audacity, of acute detail, natural astonishment and of enacted wonder save his place for a ‘now’ in our current attentions.” — Tess Gallagher, author of Is, Is Not

“Tom Crawford’s translucent poetry shimmers with gratitude for life that only someone who has come through deep sorrow can feel, and approaches the uncanny wisdom of the twice-born. He is one of my favorite poets.” — Edward Field, author of After the Fall: Poems Old and New

“Tom’s is a poetry that a  rms the right to exist, and the existence, and the beauty of the existence, of things too essential and simple to sell.” — David James Duncan, author of the novels The River Why, The Brothers K, and Sun House

Tom Crawford was a birder, a contemplative, an activist, and an enthusiast whose writing—infused with Eastern thought and a sense of mysticism—explores the natural world and our complex connection to it. His previous collections of poems include Lauds, which won the Oregon Book Award, The Temple on Monday, recipient of the Foreword Book of the Year, and The Names of Birds, star-reviewed on BookList. He received the Pushcart Prize, the Hazel Hall Award for Poetry, Hubbub awards, and two National Endowment for the Arts fellowships. He lectured and taught at colleges and universities throughout the western United States, for a year in the People’s Republic of China, and for six years at Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea. He died in May 2018 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

$20.00 ISBN 979-8-98837-017-8. Order now